Welcome to the official website of Dongguan Runxin Metal Products Co., Ltd!

Service hotline(Mr. Gu)

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Company introductionContact Us

Dongguan Runxin Metal Products Co., Ltd

Contact person: Mr. Gu

What'sapp: +86-13662641905

Mobile/wechat: +86-15766823836

Email: runxinmetal@gmail.com

Address: Room 102, No. 12, Panlong Road, Liaobu, Dongguan, Guangdong

corporate cultureculture

  • Corporate Mission

    Corporate Mission

    Empowering Physical Manufacturing Enterprises with the Internet

  • Corporate Vision

    Corporate Vision

    Becoming an influential internet manufacturing enterprise in China

  • Value


    Creating Value for Customers/Creating Value for Employees Creating Value for the Enterprise

  • Corporate Vision

    Corporate Vision

    Take care of every small matter with your heart